The Perfect Day
Now that we have finally started our blog, i decided that i would start it off posting about the perfect day; our wedding. McKay and i were married on October 5th, 2012 in the Las Vegas Temple (That's where i'm from). The weather was flawless and i could not have asked for a more perfect groom.

The morning started at 4:30am. Partly because i couldn't sleep, and partly because i hadn't even practiced my hair until that morning (yikes!)

The sealing was wonderful. i couldn't stop crying the entire time. i was so happy that i got to marry the most wonderful man in the world, and my best friend. After the sealing we took family pictures and headed off to the luncheon.

The Reception
the reception could not have been more perfect. Between the cake, decorations, flowers, and food, everything came together exactly as i imagined. Thanks to my lovely wedding planner who i could not have done it all without.

After we cut the cake and danced the night away, we headed off to our hotel. It was the perfect ending to an absolutely perfect day.

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