"Save the Dates", Engagements, and Bridals/Groomals
McKay is one of the sportiest men i have ever met. He played football, soccer, and baseball in High School and is dang good at every single sport he plays. So, for our "Save the Date" pictures, we decided to make them baseball themed. Here are a few of them taken by my lovely friend Ellie Macdonald. Enjoy!

We wanted to do our first set of engagements outside, but the weather wasn't giving us our way. To avoid the windy and rainy weather, we went inside to snap some photos. Our photographer had a trip planned to Europe a few days after the shoot so we asked him to hurry and get us the pictures before he left. He said he would, but ended up only getting a few of them up on his blog. The pictures below are the ones from his blog. i tried to get the pictures on a CD from him the whole time that he was in Europe, but he never got them to us. So, we had to take another set of Engagement pictures (which i ended up liking a lot better anyway). Here are the first set:

My family took a trip to California, so we decided to have my sister take a few pictures for us with my camera while we were there.

Then came our Bridals/Groomals. We decided to take pictures together before the wedding day because you don't really walk down the isle in your wedding dress in the Temple, and we wanted to capture the moment when he first saw me in my dress on camera. We tied a blind fold around McKay and he had to wait for me to untie it before he could see me in my dress. The suspense was killing him. i teased him for awhile, but when i finally untied it he grinned from ear to ear and looked like an excited little kid. It was so cute.

Photographer: Trish Strobehn
All the picture taking was a blast. i'm not so sure if McKay enjoyed it too much, but he was a trooper and never complained once. He is always willing to make whatever i want happen. i have to be careful not to take advantage of this guy because he never tells me no! Although i have to admit, i have a hard time telling this handsome guy no as well. i guess we must love each other or something. Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Thanks for reminiscing with me!