Easter Weekend + An Interview
We spent our Easter weekend in Vegas with my family. It was perfect weather so my Dad heated up the pool and we spent the majority of our weekend swimming and basking in the sun. It. was. wonderful. We left at about 6am on Friday so McKay could get to his interview on time. The drive was absolutely gorgeous and i couldn't help but snap a million pictures on the way. Ok, so you all are probably wondering what interview i'm talking about. Well shortly after we decided that we were going to Missouri for the summer, another opportunity crossed our path. Lately McKay has been wanting to switch his degree to Health Care Management. He talked to a guy in our ward, Nic, who majored in that and who owns a ton of franchises; one of which is in Las Vegas. Nic mentioned that the manager of the franchise in Vegas was leaving to start his own franchise in California and that they were looking for a manager. McKay was instantly interested and it all seemed like a perfect fit. We found out that the management position had been filled, but Nic called and convinced them that they needed 2 managers down there to split up the areas they will be working in. McKay sent down his resume and a letter of recommendation and shortly after they called and wanted him to come down and meet with him. We went down there, and the interview went great! They said they aren't interviewing anyone else, and they will call us in a few days to let us know all of the details. The guy asked McKay if he was ok with moving to Vegas, and he told him, "A happy wife = A happy life, and my wife is from Vegas!" haha. I will be a happy wife if we get to move down there. :)
Fingers crossed!
Hanging by the pool with Mel while McKay was at his interview
Got to play with Baby Cheeks!!
At Our big family BBQ on Saturday
And an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday before we had to leave. with Baby cheeks {Michael} and Kennedy.
{Photo stolen from Beth}

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!!