Sorry it's been a few days since i have posted anything on my little blog, we have had a busy/fun-filled weekend and all i wanted to do was not think about anything except being with my family. On Thursday, (Valentines Day) we were driving down to St. George for my sister in-law's wedding on Friday and decided that our big Valentine's gift to each other was to spend the rest of the weekend in Vegas. We still had work and school on Thursday, so we showed our love for each other in little ways. When i woke up that morning McKay surprised me with Roses and chocolates, and little love notes around the house. i made Red Velvet Crepes and a put a little Valentine's Day twist on his lunch by cutting his sandwich into a heart and adding some V-Day m&m's and a love note. That evening, we packed up and drove to St. George. We stayed at our friend's second home there with McKay's sister Mandy, her husband, and 3 kids. Friday morning i went on a run and the weather was amazing. Then we got ready for the wedding and met my parents at Kneaders for breakfast. After breakfast, we went to the sealing. It was really cool being in the St. George Temple because i had never been and that's where my parents were married. After the ceiling, we took pictures outside of the Temple and went to the luncheon and reception.
That night we went back to the house. Mandy's little one year old, McKinley, had a stomach ache and didn't sleep at all the night before or get a nap all day so she was cranky and exhausted but kept fighting her parents and would not go to sleep. We felt really bad for them and we offered to take McKinley for the night so they could get some sleep. It was an interesting night. It was about midnight or later before she fell asleep, and kept waking up in the night. McKay was really cute with her. He would cuddle with her when she would cry until she fell back asleep. We sort of got a glimpse into our future that night.
The next morning we drove down to Vegas and stayed with my family the rest of the weekend. The weekend consisted of a Bridal Shower, hanging out with some of my closest cousin's and their babies, shopping, going out to eat, going to church, playing games, hot tubbing, and soaking up the sun in my parent's back yard. It was so nice to be there with my family in the warm Vegas weather.

On our way to Vegas!
McKinley climbing in bed with us and snuggling with McKay
My friend Katie & i matching at the Bridal shower
Holding my cousin Bekah's little baby Rosie. I just love her.

My closest cousin Angela's perfect little baby we got to play with all weekend.
Isn't he the cutest!?
(i didn't take this picture, i stole it from her FB)

My closest cousin Angela's perfect little baby we got to play with all weekend.
Isn't he the cutest!?
(i didn't take this picture, i stole it from her FB)

At Smash Burger with my Family

Sunday after church
Hot Tubbing on President's Day

My wonderful family
How was your Valentine's Day/ President's Day weekend? did you do anything fun? Be sure to follow me so you can post in the comments below!
i will post pictures of the St. George wedding as soon as i can!