i am proud to announce that i am now an official interior designer! Last Friday was such a fun and rewarding day for me. i got to dress in my cap and gown and go from a stressed out interior design student, to a college graduate! What made the day even better was that i got to walk with my sis! It is crazy to think that my time at LDS Business College is over and that i'm starting a new chapter in my life. i am going to miss LDSBC, but mostly i am going to miss all of the wonderful I.D. girls who i have grown to love so much. i don't think there is a program in this world like the I.D. program at LDS Business College. i feel so privileged to have been able to spend the time that i spent there, learn what i have learned, and form the friendships that i have. i have made friendships that will last forever, and i am thankful to all of the wonderful students and teachers who have helped me get to where i am today. Here's to the class of 2013! and as Elle Woods says,
"We Did It!"

I.D. class of 2013 {minus a few} at our graduation dinner

Walking with Mel

My lovely fam {minus Beth and Ash}

The one that i couldn't have done it without.